30 May 2006

horn please ok!

ok so i turned down the chance to be an extra in a bollywood movie yesterday. we
did go to a movie, though, to get out of the heat for a while. <i>x-men 3</i>
was surreal--not just because it was hugh jackman growling in front of
elaborate explosions, but because the movies here are a whole event, with the
national anthem beforehand, an intermission and everyone dressed like they goin
to a fancy dinner. We with our filthy packs and unkempt hair most certainly
ruined the ambiance. sorry dudes.im also learning important hindi phrases such
as 'turn left', 'how much', 'you sisterfucker', and 'i'll break your face'.
i swear this will get interesting once we hit the road, though laying prostrate
in the disabling heat drinking kingfishers all afternoon has its own merits

27 May 2006

arrived safely

the heat has hit like a ton of bricks. i'm alive and full of glorious food and chai.
 ill be in mumbai till friday, then we hoppin the train to nepal..............

24 May 2006

shes rising in me

quicksilver girl
quicksilver girl
quicksilver girl ... and she's free

(well, free in 48 hours anyway..then mumbai will be under my feet.)

current mood: frantic, frantic, ohh fuck here we go